About Oninit®

The Company

Oninit® is the leading Informix and UNIX consulting firm in the UK and the US. We provide training, development, support and database administration services to more than 150 companies in the UK, USA, Europe, the Middle East, and more recently Australasia and China.

The core of our business will always be our support customers. In most cases our customers have mission critical systems based on Informix. We help these companies optimize these systems for reliability and performance.

Oninit® is perfectly positioned to give you the best advice on anything associated with Informix products. Having worked for Informix and IBM in technical and sales roles, we can confidently discuss issues concerning licensing, support and ongoing development.

The People

The company was founded in 1999 by a team of Informix consultants under the technical direction of Paul Watson. Paul remains a highly regarded Informix consultant and currently sits on the IBM Customer Advisory Council and served for two and half years on the board of the Informix International User Group.

"Growth is not just about getting bigger, it's also about getting smarter and using our experience to get the most out of the available technology." - Paul Watson.

Paul has held the prestigious IBM Data Champion award since 2009 in recognition of his global contributions to Informix.

Each of our consultants have been using Informix to develop applications for the best part of 20 years.

To find out more or to request a profile of our consultants, please contact us

The Products

Informix is pure-dead-brill.

Informix remains an incredibly reliable product and continually out-performs all the competition. Oninit® is still supporting some customer installations where their production environment runs on obsolete hardware and their applications are still out-perform Oracle!

Thinking of upgrading or migrating? Oninit® has developed a simple benchmark toolkit to quickly and easily compare new hardware, new versions and, heavens forbid, even alternative databases.

IDS is pure elegance and we want to talk to more companies that want to push the technology by exploring Datablade applications.